Born June 19, 1938 under the sign of Gemini and the ascendancy of the scale, resulting in a family of artists painters generations: grand son of PG Rigaud, post impressionist painter, and nephew of J. Rigaud, painter of marine , son of the cartoonist CAZA, and brother of cartoonist Philip CAZA, he only had the opportunity to follow the path marked ... First stage designer and student of J. Rigaud in painting, he later attended the academies de la Grande Chaumiere in the course of Yves Brayer Port Royal and directed by Claude Schurr. This is the landscape that inspires. Italy to Spain, with long stays in Provence and especially in the Luberon, it sometimes escapes under the changing skies of Britain and Ile-de-France. He painted in oil on canvas on the ground and travel throughout the year to meet the small villages of golden sun and secret coves shrouded turquoise transparencies. Its international dimension asserts itself through its exhibitions in Germany, Spain, France and USA.
Mary Martin Gallery I is located on 103 Broad Street, Charleston, SC 29401 843-723-0303
Mary Martin Gallery IIis located at 143 East Bay Street, Charleston, SC 29401
Mary Martin Galleries have been selected as the best galleries in South Carolina for thirteen years in a row and amd selected as one of the top 20 galleries in the nation, Also, MMG has been selected as the best gallery by several local publications.